
Friday, July 24, 2009
Posted by Sim


Posted by ShoZu

Hiatus Over? Perhaps!

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Posted by Sim

Well I have been gone for ages and ages, the story behind which is long, complicated, adventurous, mysterious, and with sexy results....which is exactly why I won't tell you what exactly occured. Instead I will tell you people that I have spent my time wisely, and improved on my character designs slightly.

My characters were drawn the way they were because, to put it frankly, I couldn't be fudged drawing anything more complicated. But now I have found a way to keep the characters looking sameish with minimal work. Behold! The new Simmy and Adam H!

Sure there isn't color, or a very noticable increase in anatomical proportions, or backgrounds, and yeah - there pants look like they belong on certain gay members of The Strokes, but all in all I think it is still an ish improvement from their predecessors. 
My goal this year is to get one of my comics into Craccum, the University of Auckland student magazine. So wish me luck, and let me feed on your commentations.

Twin Flames

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Posted by Sim

I remember the first time I met Kelsey, Bernie's other half (the good, smart, clean, busty half). It was a bit awkward.

Bernie and Kelsey, it has been a year. A year since your twin flames united to become the butt of all out ginger jokes for 12 months. You two have been called many names, Ginger Ninjas, Fanta Pants, Fire Crotch, Clockwork Oranges, Twin Flames - but you have proven to us that even two hyper-physically characteristic people like you, can have a woving relationship for a year. Congrats dudes.

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